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CA Marea del Portillo Hotel
CA Marea del Portillo Hotel
Marea del Portillo, Granma
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from 45.00 €/night
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The flora of the urban center in the city of Bayamo is reduced to the well disseminated areas confined to turn themselves into the green lung of the very old city above all in the outskirts of the city.
However, the vegetable layer of this region is vigorous and heterogeneal. To the south of Bartolomé Maso, Buey Arriba, and Guisa municipalities, there are large surfaces of rainy mountainous perennifolios forests (from 800 to 1600 meters of elevation, surrounded by a ‘pererrifolio’ typically cloudy forest area (from 1600 to 1900 meters high); to the northeast, Pico Turquino. The original ‘pinares’ of the endemic regional pine tree of Sierra Maestra (Pinus maestrensis) can be found in the summits of the western utmost of Guamá municipality.
The coastal thicket or coastline and sub-coastline jungle with lots of suculents colonizes great surfaces of the high rocky coastline of the stairs emerged of Cabo Cruz (Praire and flat of Cabo Cruz) followed by large zones occupied by the always green mount, the coastal dry mount, to the north of the previous vegetable formation.

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