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CA Marea del Portillo Hotel
CA Marea del Portillo Hotel
Marea del Portillo, Granma
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from 45.00 €/night
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The city of San Salvador de Bayamo is located in the eastern region of Cuba. It is precisely to the southeast of the island and in the middle of Valle del Río Cauto, the largest (as regard to its extension)in the country. This is a city full of history throughout all its corners. Its territorial extension overwhelms 917.5 meters square and it is the most densely populated municipality of Granma and there are more than 215 000 people living there, but concerning the size, it can only be surpassed by Río Cauto with 1 549.3 sq. kilometers.
The distance between Havana City and this city, capital of Granma province is 819 kilometers. The territory bounds to the north with Río Cauto and Cauto Cristo municipalities; to the south, with Guisa and Buey Arriba. To the east, with Cauto Cristo and to the west, with Yara and Río Cauto.
The first settlement took place a half millennium ago when the Tainos, one of the aboriginals tribes built their cottages next to the shores of Bayamo and Manegua river, in the sands bathed by gold that drove bad the conqueror by the year 1512, year in which the Spaniards arrived in Cuba.

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